Mod Team
Mod aavo
Head Mod | Finances | Organization | Writing
aavo is a passionate whumper of BNHA characters.Co-head mod & writing mod of LOTUS, Head mod & writing mod of sex+, writing mod of Unlimited, social media mod of Bun in the Oven, Head mod & finance mod of Bunnies!
Mod Katsu
Hi my name is Katsudaki I'm bnha horror and gore artist who loves dissecting characters in every way. All made with passion and a sick twisted mind. I want to express my thoughts through my works and hope you all enjoy them. In my sick and twisted mind and pen I'll continue to keep people guessing.Graphics mod for Alive+, Noctem Mortis, and many others.
He | Him

Fav Shiggy Dynamic?Shigaraki and Aizawa. I think it's cool when Shigaraki thinks Aizawa is cool.
Mod Decay
Local gamer & book worm who loves all gothic and everything nature! Sometimes, my hand slip and I manage to make art or write fics.Web development student and professional artist. I am currently the formatting mod on Alive+ & the LOV+e Zine.
He | They

Fav Shiggy Dynamic?I love exploring how people get through the walls Shigaraki puts up around himself. How they get him to accept their care and how he lets himself relax.
Mod Bacon
Social Media
Anything Tomura related and I'm here for it!Creep: a Deku Zine (social media mod), Frozen Embers: a DabiShou Zine (social media mod), ShigaDabiEvents Organiser
They | Them

Fav Shiggy Dynamic?DabiTenko is my comfort ship. I love them. I love Tenko.
Mod Grey
hoarder of zines & avid shiggy enjoyer :3co-head mod & shipping mod of LOTUS, production/shipping mod of sex+, shipping mod of Bunnies!, and many more
They | Xe

Fav Shiggy Dynamic?Shigaraki struggling between his identity as Tomura and Tenko, the inherent angst of his quirk, and Shiggy x lipbalm